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Zengo - Triangle
Zengo - Digital solutions

Visitor application supporting the exhibition held in Boldogkő castle

Visitor Mobile Apps

We created the application to present the Boldogkő castle, to complement the permanent exhibitions that can be discovered there with interactive, audio-visual content and make it more interesting. There are so-called "Information points" in several places in the castle. While visiting them, the visitor can view the descriptions and pictures of each point and listen to the corresponding narrations, increasing the visitor experience. We can check our knowledge acquired during the visit with the help of a quiz.


cross-platform application development
Android and iOS application
production time
4 months
Google Play Store and iOS App Store
Zengo - Visitor application supporting the exhibition held in Boldogkő castle


cross-platform application development
Android and iOS application
production time
4 months
Google Play Store and iOS App Store

Today, most people have smartphones. The spread of smartphones has opened up new opportunities for presenting historical sites. The app is based on this idea, its main goal is to make the tour of Boldogkő Castle more interactive and easier for visitors. 

The content of the information points is available in seven languages. To access the points, predefined routes are available, which can be seen on the map. These routes do not have to be strictly followed. The map consists of a ground floor and an upper floor, so the route is also separated into an upper floor and a ground floor route. The ground floor includes the courtyard, the ground floor of the palace, and the cellar. The first floor includes the palace mausoleum and the attic. Each floor is associated with a separate drawing, you can switch between them in the map view. When you switch, the points associated with them change, depending on which floor they are on. By opening the information point you can access the content for that particular exhibition. The exhibitions visited are saved in the app and displayed in a different colour, so you can easily differentiate between the points. Alternatively, you can save the points as favourites. Then we can view our favourites in a separate place. In the app, you can search for points by ID or name. You can also open information points by scanning the QR code associated with them. The ID and QR code will be displayed at each station. 

A quiz game is also available in the app, where you can answer a quiz question with the corresponding predefined answers from a pre-set set of answers. As a small challenge, there is a time limit, it must be completed within a given time. 

The development went relatively smoothly without any major problems. The biggest challenge was the handling of the narration playback, as this is the first Flutter project where it has been applied, following the pattern of previous native solutions. Also, we had to implement new functionalities in the map part, such as switching between layers, including markers and selecting active markers.

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