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Zengo - Triangle
Zengo - Film & Visual

Ipolytarnóc Videos and Interactive Content

Short and Feature Documentaries

We made an educational and interactive video on the occasion of the World Hunting Expo for the Ipolytarnóc Fossils visitor center. We projected the video onto a 2-meter high and 7-meter wide interactive wall, showcasing the secrets of hunting, conservation and the past in a playful way. In this short film Miocene epoch animals come to life and viewers can interact with them by touching, and at the end of the film one can also marvel at the volcanic eruption, which conserved the characteristics of fossils.


The Ipolytarnóc Fossils Nature Reserve is a world-famous paleontological site managed by the Bükk National Park.
short documentary, interactive 360 VR video, interactive film
live action and professional drone footages, animated scenes, laser projection technology
exhibition hall, professional conferences
Zengo - Ipolytarnóc Videos and Interactive Content


The Ipolytarnóc Fossils Nature Reserve is a world-famous paleontological site managed by the Bükk National Park.
short documentary, interactive 360 VR video, interactive film
live action and professional drone footages, animated scenes, laser projection technology
exhibition hall, professional conferences

Our development is based on a special nature documentary that turns into an interactive playing field after the first few frames: when they reach the wall, the animals in the film react to our touching the screen – the deer startles and runs away, the bear dog rears up, the crocodile swims across the stream, so the visitors become active participants of the hunting life of the past and the present. 

In the film live action and animated scenes keep coming one after the other, and we used several technological solutions to integrate them into the production. The interactivity problem was solved with laser technology and the projection is provided by ultra-close projectors. Modelling and animating the Miocene epoch animals, plants and the environment was carried out with the help of experts, and for the production of scenes showing contemporary hunting was assisted by hunters. 

The interactive experience is boosted with VR goggles, thanks to which visitors can admire the Ipolytarnóc Fossils nature reserve in 360 degrees, either through the eyes of birds or from a hunting blind. The film was screened at four other venues in Hungary, featured in the programmes of conferences held in Budapest, Miskolc, Eger and Debrecen.

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