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Zengo - Triangle
Zengo - Film & Visual

Educational Trails of Maroshát Documentaries

Short and Feature Documentaries

Supported by the Széchenyi Plan 2020, the Municipality of Nagyér renewed its educational nature trails, which are parts of the hiking trails passing by the village. The project was to include digital solutions. In practice, this meant a complete website, a mobile application and several videos. We made everything in-house; the film team was specifically tasked with producing the videos. We were fond of this job, and although we had made a lot of similar educational wildlife films, our team may never have gotten this close to nature before.


In connection with a European Union development, Nagyér’s municipality decided to present natural values in a more exciting fashion, using modern tools for the younger generation.
3 short nature films, 1 historical film, 1 promotional film
live scenes, professional drone shots
production time
1 year
website, online broadcast platforms
Zengo - Educational Trails of Maroshát Documentaries


In connection with a European Union development, Nagyér’s municipality decided to present natural values in a more exciting fashion, using modern tools for the younger generation.
3 short nature films, 1 historical film, 1 promotional film
live scenes, professional drone shots
production time
1 year
website, online broadcast platforms

We had to make the films from a relatively tight fixed budget in just one year, covering all seasons and shooting all specific species in their natural habitat. The scripts were developed after several on-site visits and professional consultations. Before we could film in the wild, we had to procure special lenses, a pop-up blind, and other specialized pieces of equipment. We managed to record almost every animal and plant species we had previously planned. With well-chosen dramatic elements, we brought color to the footage containing somewhat dry facts. We also made a historical video through cost-effective pre-planning without compromising on quality, produced within record low numbers of worked hours. The biggest challenge was to get every species before the camera – but with the right nature photography and cinematic tools as well as strenuous efforts throughout the four seasons, we finally made it. We received a lot of help from the local experts to capture many species of birds, butterflies, and plants on film.

Zengo - Mosoly

Our client said

„Nagyér község a 2019. május 25-én átadott turisztikai pályázatában a Zengo több új frontot is nyitott a projekt sikerre való vezérlésének érdekében - hibátlan teljesítéssel!”

Lőrincz Tibor - Nagyér polgármestere

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