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Zengo - Digital solutions

Móra Ferenc Museum permanent ethnographic exhibition

Interactive Exhibition Spaces

We assisted in creating various multimedia and graphic content for the renewed permanent ethnographic exhibition of the Móra Ferenc Museum in Szeged titled “Régi Dolgok - A szögediség fundamentuma" (Old Things - The Cornerstone of being from Szeged). Our tasks included creating animations and a slideshow, infographics, developing an RFID audio player attraction, and an interactive touchscreen application that covers all the themes appearing in the exhibition.


Interactive exhibition spaces: supersize touchscreen displays, listening station, RFID audio playback station, animated films
UI design, Unity development, 2D animation, narration
Móra Ferenc Museum (Szeged) - Régi dolgok – A szögediség fundamentuma (Old Things - The Cornerstone of being from Szeged)
Zengo - Móra Ferenc Museum permanent ethnographic exhibition


Interactive exhibition spaces: supersize touchscreen displays, listening station, RFID audio playback station, animated films
UI design, Unity development, 2D animation, narration
Móra Ferenc Museum (Szeged) - Régi dolgok – A szögediség fundamentuma (Old Things - The Cornerstone of being from Szeged)

Animation and Slideshow - Mese-booth (Tale-Booth)

At the wall-mounted listening station, media content is triggered by lifting the speaker. Visitors can choose from the 3 contents by pressing the buttons below the display. Visitors can listen to 2 stories and a collection of 6 folk songs. We illustrated the stories with animations and the folk songs with slideshows.

János Tombácz was a well-known storyteller from the rural area around Szeged, and we know his stories through the collection work of Sándor Bálint. Our task was to bring two of his stories to life using Tombácz's drawings. Tombácz was not only a storyteller but also made drawings for his tales. Although he was not a trained artist, his drawings clearly reflect the mystical world that comes to life in his stories.

One story is about Sándor Rózsa, who cunningly outwits the pursuing policemen. The other story is about the adventures of  Kiskutya Gyurka involving shamans and dragons. With simple animation, we succeeded in creating videos from the drawings that complement the mood of the stories well, which we hope will entertain all and not only the younger generation. The stories are narrated by puppet actor Tamás Presits.

The folk songs in the collection are sung by Antal Bozsó.
The folk songs are:
Nem akar az ökörcsorda legelni - The herd of oxen does not want to graze
Ne vágd el a piros almát - Do not cut the red apple
Ha beszakad a kút, körbeveszi a búbánat- If the well breaks, sadness will overcome
Kár a tiszta búzát korán learatni - It is a pity to harvest the clean wheat early
Messze száll a darumadár (betyárnóta) - The crane bird flies far (outlaw song)

Mesélő tárgyak - Talking Objects

The attraction of activating the three artifact replicas is initiated by placing the artifact into the basket recessed in the exhibition setup. The scratcher, the planting stick, and the kuttyogtató (wooden noisemaker) are voiced by Tamás Borovics, an artist from the Szeged National Theatre. By listening to the audio content, visitors can learn more about the origin, use, and afterlife of the objects.

Interactive Map

In the touch-screen interactive map attraction, all themes presented in the exhibition are processed. The maps change according to the themes, with information points and textual and visual content enhancing the exhibition. Besides theme selection, it is also possible to select periods within the themes, dynamically changing the map and content displayed. The sunray decorative elements and color scheme of the exhibition space are also reflected in the interactive map, ensuring visual consistency with the rest of the exhibition.


We created 3 infographics for the exhibition. Two of these focus on specific themes and one is a general infographic displaying all themes of the exhibition in a map-like manner. The two detailed themes were the market and farming. Each infographic features highlighted objects that invite visitors to find them in the exhibition.

As a Szeged-based company, it is important for us to contribute to and support the local cultural scene with our developments. Our collaboration with the Móra Ferenc Museum was smooth this time as well, resulting in an outstanding exhibition.

The project was completed by our ARVR and ZengoFilm teams.

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