Unpacking Apple OCR: Revolutionizing Text Recognition on Your Devices
2024. 08. 30.
In the world of digital technology, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has been a gamechanger, enabling machines to read and interpret text from images and scanned documents. Apple, known for its commitment to innovation and user-centric design, has taken OCR technology to the next level with its seamless integration into the Apple ecosystem. This blog post delves into Apple OCR, exploring how it works, where it’s used, and why it’s transforming the way we interact with text in our digital lives.
Augmented reality in the Apple ecosystem
2022. 12. 08.
Augmented Reality is one of the biggest tech trends nowadays. Its growth does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon, as smart phones and other AR capable devices are becoming more accessible worldwide.
Flutter mobilprojekt alkalmazása web projektként
2022. 08. 20.
Kíváncsiak voltunk, hogy a már meglévő mobilos Flutter moduljainkat mekkora munkával tudnánk webes platformra is fordítani. Hol vannak a buktatók? Mi az, amit nyerünk és mi az, amit vesztünk a közös kódbázissal?
Web application, mobile application or cross-platform - Which one should you choose?
2021. 12. 13.
The use of mobile applications has become a natural part of our everyday lives, so their development is gaining more and more interest year by year. The myriad of downloaded applications differ in many ways from those used on web interfaces, and there can be many differences between mobile applications. When is a web application, when is a mobile optimized web application, and when is a cross-platform application needed? In the following, we will answer this frequently asked question based on our own experience!