Creativ_it nyári tábor élménybeszámoló
2022. 09. 02.
Nyáron másodjára vettünk részt aktív előadóként a Creativ_it nyári táborában. Ha kíváncsiak vagytok, milyen volt a mi szemszögünkből, és milyen előkészületekkel jártak ezek a napok, mindenképpen olvasd el a blogposztunkat!
Flutter mobilprojekt alkalmazása web projektként
2022. 08. 20.
Kíváncsiak voltunk, hogy a már meglévő mobilos Flutter moduljainkat mekkora munkával tudnánk webes platformra is fordítani. Hol vannak a buktatók? Mi az, amit nyerünk és mi az, amit vesztünk a közös kódbázissal?
Ultra Lupa-tó 2022 betekintés
2022. 07. 20.
Idén új kihívások után néztünk, és kipróbáltuk magunkat az Ulta Lupa-tó futóversenyen.
Build a React Web App with Laravel Sanctum - Part 2: LOGOUT
2022. 05. 31.
Continuing our previous blog post, we will show you how to develop the next step in your React web application!
Build a React Web App with Laravel Sanctum - Part 1: LOGIN
2022. 04. 28.
Has your heart stolen by React and want to create a web app with it? We'll show you how!
Zengo with junior eyes - Our developer's first half-year experience report
2022. 03. 31.
What challenges does a junior developer face in his first job? Does the university prepare youngsters for the world of work? How much responsibility does a novice get in a project? It turns out from the report of our junior developer, Gergő!
Is Dompdf or pdf.js better for PDF generation? We will help you make the decision!
2022. 03. 02.
There are many solutions available for PDF generation, all with other advantages and disadvantages. We will help you how to choose the right one for you!
Would you be more confident of Laravel Echo? We will show you how to send data from Client to Server
2022. 02. 02.
Did you know that you can only establish real-time communication with Laravel between Server and Client? We'll show you how to convert it to a two-way channel!
Testing minutes - iPad Pro LiDAR
2021. 12. 20.
We love to try newer and newer tools and then use them imaginatively. Now the iPad Pro LiDAR has fallen victim, details and video in the post!
Web application, mobile application or cross-platform - Which one should you choose?
2021. 12. 13.
The use of mobile applications has become a natural part of our everyday lives, so their development is gaining more and more interest year by year. The myriad of downloaded applications differ in many ways from those used on web interfaces, and there can be many differences between mobile applications. When is a web application, when is a mobile optimized web application, and when is a cross-platform application needed? In the following, we will answer this frequently asked question based on our own experience!