How Do New Unreal Engine Versions Influence VR Development?
2025. 02. 04.
For many years, Unreal Engine has been one of the dominant game engines in game development. In addition to PC game development, it has achieved significant results in creating virtual reality (VR) applications. However, developers face ever-present challenges alongside innovation. New versions, updates, compatibility issues with various VR headsets, and the integration of OpenXR technology all impact workflows. In this blog post, we will explore Unreal Engine's latest innovations, focusing on the Meta, Pico, and Varjo headsets, and explore how OpenXR can help overcome challenges in VR development.
Unpacking Apple OCR: Revolutionizing Text Recognition on Your Devices
2024. 08. 30.
In the world of digital technology, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has been a gamechanger, enabling machines to read and interpret text from images and scanned documents. Apple, known for its commitment to innovation and user-centric design, has taken OCR technology to the next level with its seamless integration into the Apple ecosystem. This blog post delves into Apple OCR, exploring how it works, where it’s used, and why it’s transforming the way we interact with text in our digital lives.
Gaming in the Apple Ecosystem
2024. 03. 12.
Will Apple be able to overcome their obstacles and enter the gaming market?
Unreal Engine 5.2 or the era of Procedural Content Generation
2023. 04. 23.
The latest version of Unreal Engine, version 5.2, is about to be released very soon. The update contains several new features, some of which already seem like they will have a great effect on the market. Version 5, released in 2022, brought many new functions in the game engine, like Lumen and Nanite. The latest version brings updates to these and the entirely new framework, PCG (Procedural Content Generation). will be introduced too. In this post we’ll be focusing on this new framework, and we’ll be briefly looking at the two other features mentioned before.
Interactive digital visitor experiences with Unity
2023. 01. 17.
Virtual AR dressing games, interactive displays that fill huge walls, projected digital maps, VR experiences - these are just a few examples of how modern hardware technologies and game development tools can be used to enhance visitor experiences and create a wow factor. Interested in the topic? Read on!
Augmented reality in the Apple ecosystem
2022. 12. 08.
Augmented Reality is one of the biggest tech trends nowadays. Its growth does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon, as smart phones and other AR capable devices are becoming more accessible worldwide.
Creativ_it nyári tábor élménybeszámoló
2022. 09. 02.
Nyáron másodjára vettünk részt aktív előadóként a Creativ_it nyári táborában. Ha kíváncsiak vagytok, milyen volt a mi szemszögünkből, és milyen előkészületekkel jártak ezek a napok, mindenképpen olvasd el a blogposztunkat!
Flutter mobilprojekt alkalmazása web projektként
2022. 08. 20.
Kíváncsiak voltunk, hogy a már meglévő mobilos Flutter moduljainkat mekkora munkával tudnánk webes platformra is fordítani. Hol vannak a buktatók? Mi az, amit nyerünk és mi az, amit vesztünk a közös kódbázissal?
Build a React Web App with Laravel Sanctum - Part 2: LOGOUT
2022. 05. 31.
Continuing our previous blog post, we will show you how to develop the next step in your React web application!
Build a React Web App with Laravel Sanctum - Part 1: LOGIN
2022. 04. 28.
Has your heart stolen by React and want to create a web app with it? We'll show you how!